Weight Issues

woman looking at documents taped to a wall

Weight gain, hair loss… brain fog… (What’s REALLY behind it?)

Could you be suffering from a serious medical condition and not know it at all? While this sounds a little absurd, it’s actually not only possible, it’s common. An estimated 20 million people are walking around with a thyroid condition that’s affecting their life… and they have NO idea. Thyroid disease can wreck your health

Weight gain, hair loss… brain fog… (What’s REALLY behind it?) Read More »

woman making heart with hands over stomach

How food poisoning helped me see the missing piece of the weight struggle puzzle…

In my last post I mentioned this “critical piece to the weight loss puzzle” that no one is really talking about… well today I want to share with you a little story to help you understand this piece…. In early August I found myself in the emergency room TWICE in one week with terrible food

How food poisoning helped me see the missing piece of the weight struggle puzzle… Read More »

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