FDA Bans Triclosan (sort of), and what you still need to know…
Did you see?? Last Friday the FDA banned the use to triclosan, triclocarban, and 17 other chemicals from hand
Certificate Course is SOLD OUT + exciting updates + an important new book on autoimmunity…
The fall 2016 class of the Certificate Course in Environmental Health has officially SOLD OUT. I’m so excited to be stepping into

What I learned at Mindshare: The Power Of Community
This past weekend I packed my bags and headed to San Diego to attend JJ Virgin’s Mindshare Summit – a

Endocrine disruptors’ link to infertility confirmed [Preconception Course details inside…]
If you’re someone who works with women around preconception family planning or fertility issues then endocrine disrupting chemicals is a
{SALE} Does your (client’s) kitchen need a Detox?
I’ve got a special, super short SALE starting right now… but first: Do you remember how a few years ago,

The Hormone connection… (video interview inside!)
One of the most common things that health practitioners encounter in their practice, especially if they serve women is hormonal

It’s detox season – are you “talking toxins”?
We’re two weeks into the new year, and I’m super pumped by a) some key things in the news and

Toxins in Traditional Chinese Medicines?
Do you take any Chinese herbs or supplements? Just this morning an article landed in my inbox about a recent

Optimal Fertility: Preconception Detoxification
I’ve been talking about environmental health for a number of years now teaching about the health implications that may effect

What are your thoughts on Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
As you likely know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s hard to avoid seeing all the pinkified products out

My gripe about “awareness” months (this month it’s Autism Awareness…)
Did you know that April is Autism Awareness Month? These “awareness” months tend to rub me the wrong way because

Knowing Your Niche (& why you need this in order to “talk toxins”)
Do you know your client niche? Are you super clear on who you serve in your practice and who you