Calling All Healthy Moms…

baby holding mothers hand overlooking desert landscape

Did you know that most of my readers are women?

Women, as natural caregivers and caretakers tend to gravitate towards the health & wellness space, both as practitioners and as consumers.

We’re the ones that seek support when we need it…
We’re the ones that do the research on what’s healthy and what’s not…

We’re also the ones who are more likely to get overloaded. This goes double if you’re a mom!

Mom’s are often drowning in our attempt to “do it all”, and even when we try our best to be healthy, and get everything under control (or close to it anyway), we still need some help.

Here’s a photo of my with my best friend’s adorable toddler in a Whole Foods. I lent a hand by feeding and entertaining him while his mom when grocery shopping and got a few blissful moments of solitude. It takes a village!

As “heads of household” mom’s typically bear the burden of keeping everyone safe and healthy. (obviously I’m generalizing here – there are some great dad’s who take on this role too!).

Chemicals in our homes certainly makes that job harder for mom as they can undermine the healthy efforts she’s putting in elsewhere. Addressing the chemicals in the home is one of the most important things I think every mom (and dad) should do – whether it’s for their own health or the health of their kids.

Recently, I was interviewed for an upcoming summit about the top toxins that every mom (or person!) should start phasing out in their home and if you’re a mom, I’d love for you to check it out!

The Healthy Mom Summit: Simple, Powerful, Holistic Ways to Take Care of Yourself No Matter How Busy You Are hosted by Hannah Hepworth, a wellness coach to women, real food enthusiast and mother of 4!

This summit features interviews with professionals and experts on topics like aromatherapy, natural medicine, mind-body medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, and yup, environmental toxins!

This free, online event starts on November 7th, and I’d love for you to check it out!

Click here to register:

Here’s some of what’s covered in this online event:

  • How to use nutrition to boost your health and the health of your family.
  • Strategies for managing stress like a pro.
  • How your mindset, whether positive or negative, affects your whole family and what you can do to improve it!
  • How to use herbs and oils to enhance your energy and balance your mood.
  • Learn to stop putting yourself last so you can have enough to give to the people you love.
  • Which environmental chemicals every mom should address first
  • And a bunch more good stuff…

Hope to see you there!

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