** Webinar Replay! **
Supercharge Your Client Results By Talking Toxins…
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Talking Toxins is a 5-Week online program for health professionals across all modalities that will teach you to identify & address the everyday toxic exposures your clients are getting that are holding them back from the results they are seeking.

This is a foundations-level course that covers the NON-NEGOTIABLES: the toxic exposures that every health professional should be addressing with their clients or patients.

Get $300 Off When You Enroll By 11:59pm EST
on Sunday, August 7th

use code: julia at checkout

certificate course graphic bonus classes

Enroll in Talking Toxins by Sunday, August 7th
at 11:59pm EST
and you’ll also get…

Bonus Training #1:
Talking Toxins On Social Media
This bonus training will help you understand science communication on social media platforms, how to minimize pushback, maximize engagement and follow-through from your audience, and how to leverage platforms like Instagram and TikTok in your business to grow your following and get more clients!
Bonus Training #2:
Empowerment Not Overwhelm: How To Talk Toxins So People Will Listen & Take Action
In this bonus training we’ll discuss some of the best ways to educate in an empowering way without overwhelm or fear. The ways in which we speak about this topic can at worst, push people away from you and your services, and at best (which is what we’re aiming for), magnetize people to you and your work!
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*Free Environmental Health Intake Questions*

Elevate your practice with better questions! Identify hidden toxic exposures with our customizable intake form and get ready for transformative client health outcomes.