Environmental Sensitivities Symposium & Free Book Giveaway

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Two cool announcements to share with you today… 

ONE: James Maskell (Founder of the Evolution of Medicine), is giving away his book. 
I met James at an event a few months ago, and we immediately connected on the topic of environmental chemicals & the education of health professionals.
After speaking all over the world for six years, helping health practitioners past the huge issues they face today, teaching them to create successful micropractices, James decided to put it all into a book to support more people.

Click here to download James’ book: “The Evolution of Medicine: Join the Movement to Solve Chronic Disease and Fall Back in Love with Medicine.”

If you are a health professional considering functional medicine because you are frustrated with a system that does not help you to truly heal your patients – or you are an integrative or functional medical practitioner who just can’t make your practice profitable, this book is 100% for you.

TWO: The 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium, which brings together 15 experts from around the world (including me!) who share their perspective on various aspects of environmental sensitivities is about to begin!


Topics include electromagnetic hypersensitivity, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome, heavy metals (including lead), indoor air quality contaminants, mould, and chemicals (including obesogens). 

CLICK HERE to register for the upcoming 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium 

This is a pretty unique event, because not only are there expert interviews, but there’s also a private Google+ group that you can join, a free e-magazine, and a textbook available through Amazon containing 15 original papers written by each of the speakers. 

The event runs from October 17th-22nd and is definitely worth checking out! My interview airs on day 2 of the event, so make sure you register before then! 

Excited to share these resources with you. 

If you get James’s book and/or join me on the symposium, please let me know what you think!

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