Lara Recommends: Safer Shower Curtains

shower curtain with shower on

Ditch the vinyl shower curtain asap!

It’s going to constantly be off-gassing and releasing DEHP into the air. You’ve got a few options: you can go the 100% cotton or hemp shower curtains, but I personally find them to be awkward, heavy, and a pain the butt to wash. I opt for 100% untreated polyester. Normally I’m not a big fan of synthetics, but in this case, it’s inexpensive, easy to wash, and of all the synthetic fabrics, off gasses the least (you can wash it right away if that makes you feel better). Just make sure you’re not buying a polyester curtain that’s been treated with any kind of antimicrobial or antifungal treatment – it will usually say “mildew resistant” or something like that! This type of curtain can be found in most home stores, and on Amazon.con and should run from $8-$15.

Simple solution to a stinky problem!

2 thoughts on “Lara Recommends: Safer Shower Curtains”

  1. I’m searching for a 100% “untreated” polyester shower curtain but all the ones I’ve found so far say mildew resistant or “coated” etc. Which one do you buy? Thank you!

    1. Hi Lindsay! Sorry I didn’t see your comment. I’ve found places like Target, Bed Bath Beyond, and even Ikea have at least a few options of polyester curtains that are not mold/mildew treated.

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