Cookware & Bakeware

It makes sense that if we’re spending money on healthy, organic foods, we’re also using safe, healthy materials to cook on. Non-stick cookware, aluminium cookware, and most of the “ceramic non-stick” cookware lines are not ideal.

Note 2 things: ONE: while some brands of ceramic non-stick do seem to be non-toxic, they are not very durable, and often need to be replaced every 2-3 years. For this reason I don’t recommend them. Cookware should last a lifetime. TWO: Many of the brands listed below also sell items that are non-stick coated; ie, not everything by these companies are recommneded.

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Cast Iron

Cast iron is my preferred cooking surface. With proper seasoning and care, cast iron can become virtually non-stick. The downsides are that this material is heavier than other types of cookware, but I consider cooking with them exercise! Those with serious heavy metal issues should probably limit use of black cast iron in favor of enamaled cast iron, as some weakly bio-available iron migrates into food.

Lodge Cast Iron Griddle

Lodge Cast Iron skillet

Field Company Skillet

Lodge Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven
Lodge Enameled Cast Iron Casserole

Solidtechnics AUS-ION™ Frypan

Carbon Steel

Carbon steel has all the benefits of cast iron: great heat retention, seasoning that creates a virtually non-stick finish, but with a fraction of the weight. The best chefs all cook on carbon steel because of it’s durabililty.
Lodge Carbon Steel Skillet
Matfer Bourgeat Carbon Steel Fry Pan
Carbon Steel Wok
Mineral B Carbon Steel Crepe Pan
Mineral B Carbon Steel Steak Pan

Stainless Steel

Good stainless steel cookware, like cast iron, can last a lifetime. Having at least a few stainless steel pieces are key, as they are ideal cooking surfaces for long-simmering foods, and acidic foods like tomato sauces, which don’t fare well in cast iron. Proper cooking technique can help you achieve a fairly non-stick surface, even with eggs and meats.
All Clad Stainless Steel
Tramontina Stainless Steel
Cuisinart Stainless Steel

Stoneware & Ceramic

Natural stoneware is a great choice for baking, although like cast iron, it requires special handling and cleaning to ensure its longevity.
XTrema 5-11in Signature Skillet
XTrema 1.5-Quart Versa Pot
XTrema 9-Piece Traditions Cookware Set


Stainless Steel

Most bakeware items are either coated in non-stick PFAS chemicals or made of aluminum, both which should be avoided. Instead, look for stainless steel items that do not have any kinds of coatings.
Stainless Steel Cookie Sheet & Rack
Stainless Steel Mini-Muffin Pan
Norpro Stainless Steel Brownie Pan
Stainless Steel Round Cake Pans
Stainless Steel Muffin Pan

Stoneware & Ceramic

Natural stoneware is a great choice for baking, although like cast iron, it requires special handling and cleaning to ensure it’s longevity.
Pampered Chef Stoneware Pan
Pampered Chef Stoneware Pizza Stone


Modern glass is an excellent non-toxic option for baking – stay away from vintage glass for both cooking & storage as these can contain heavy metals like lead.
Pyrex Glass Pieplate
Pyrex Glass Loaf Pan
Anchor Hocking Oven Basics Glass Baking Dishes

Glass Bundt Pan

Glass Soufflé Dish


Enamelware is a great inexpensive, lightweight option for making types of baking dishes; the enamel surface is inert, but it can easily chip. Usually the material under the enamel is steel, so it should generally still be safe to use.
Crow Canyon Home Enameled Jelly Pan
Crow Canyon Home Brownie Pan
Crow Canyon Home Loaf Pan
Falcon Enamelware Square Bake Tray
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